Javascript Objects のまとめ - Javascript Fundamentals - JSchallenger



JSchallenger の Javascript Fundamentals – Javascript Objects のまとめです。
まとめページのトップは、JSchallenger まとめ です。


Accessing object properties one

// Write a function that takes an object with two properties as argument
// It should return the value of the property with key country

function myFunction(obj) {

Accessing object properties two

// Write a function that takes an object with two properties as argument
// It should return the value of the property with key ‘prop-2’
// Tipp: you might want to use the square brackets property accessor

function myFunction(obj) {
  return obj['prop-2']

Accessing object properties three

// Write a function that takes an object with two properties and a string as arguments
// It should return the value of the property with key equal to the value of the string

function myFunction(obj, key) {
  return obj[key]

Check if property exists in object

// Write a function that takes an object (a) and a string (b) as argument
// Return true if the object has a property with key ‘b’
// Return false otherwise
// Tipp: test case 3 is a bit tricky because the value of property ‘z’ is undefined
// But the property itself exists

function myFunction(a, b) {
   return b in a;

Check if property exists in object and is truthy

// Write a function that takes an object (a) and a string (b) as argument
// Return true if the object has a property with key ‘b’, but only if it has a truthy value
// In other words, it should not be null or undefined or false
// Return false otherwise

function myFunction(a, b) {
   return !!a[b];
function myFunction(a, b) {
   return Boolean(a[b]);

Creating Javascript objects one

// Write a function that takes a string as argument
// Create an object that has a property with key ‘key’ and a value equal to the string
// Return the object

function myFunction(a) {
   return { key: a };

Creating Javascript objects two

// Write a function that takes two strings (a and b) as arguments
// Create an object that has a property with key ‘a’ and a value of ‘b’
// Return the object

function myFunction(a, b) {
   return { [a]: b };

Creating Javascript objects three

// Write a function that takes two arrays (a and b) as arguments
// Create an object that has properties with keys ‘a’ and corresponding values ‘b’
// Return the object

function myFunction(a, b) {
   return a.reduce((acc, cur, i) => ({ ...acc, [cur]: b[i] }), {});

Extract keys from Javascript object

// Write a function that takes an object (a) as argument
// Return an array with all object keys

function myFunction(a) {
   return Object.keys(a);

Sum object values

// Write a function that takes an object (a) as argument
// Return the sum of all object values

function myFunction(a) {
   return Object.values(a).reduce((sum, cur) => sum + cur, 0);

Remove a property from an object

// Write a function that takes an object as argument
// It should return an object with all original object properties
// except for the property with key ‘b’

function myFunction(obj) {
   delete obj.b
   return obj;
function myFunction(obj) {
  const { b, } = obj;
  return rest;

Merge two objects with matching keys

// Write a function that takes two objects as arguments
// Unfortunately, the property ‘b’ in the second object has the wrong key
// It should be named ‘d’ instead
// Merge both objects and correct the wrong property name
// Return the resulting object
// It should have the properties ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, and ‘e’


function myFunction(x, y) {
   return { ...x, c: y.c, e: y.e, d: y.b };
function myFunction(x, y) {
  const { b, } = y;
  return { ...x,, d: b };

Multiply all object values by x

// Write a function that takes an object (a) and a number (b) as arguments
// Multiply all values of ‘a’ by ‘b’
// Return the resulting object

Object.entries 知らんかった。。

function myFunction(a, b) {
   return Object.keys(a).reduce((sum, k) => {
      return { ...sum, [k]: a[k] * b };
    }, {});
function myFunction(a, b) {
   return Object.entries(a).reduce((acc, [key, val]) => {
   	return { ...acc, [key]: val * b };
   }, {});

Swap object keys and values

// Write a function that takes an object as argument
// Somehow, the properties and keys of the object got mixed up
// Swap the Javascript object’s key with its values and return the resulting object

function myFunction(obj) {
   return Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc, [key, val]) => {
      return { ...acc, [val]: key };
   }, {});

Replace empty strings in object with null values

// Write a function that takes an object as argument
// Some of the property values contain empty strings
// Replace empty strings and strings that contain only whitespace with null values
// Return the resulting object

trim 使えばよかったな。

function myFunction(obj) {
   return Object.entries(obj).reduce((sum, [k, v]) => {
      return {...sum, [k]: v === '' || v === ' ' ? null : v};
   }, {});
function myFunction(obj) {
  const newObj = { ...obj };
  for (key in newObj) {
    if (newObj[key].trim() === '') newObj[key] = null;
  return newObj;

Extracting information from objects

// Write a function that takes an object as argument containing properties with personal information
// Extract firstName, lastName, size, and weight if available
// If size or weight is given transform the value to a string
// Attach the unit cm to the size
// Attach the unit kg to the weight
// Return a new object with all available properties that we are interested in


function myFunction(obj) {
   r = {};
   for (const k in obj) {
      if (k === 'fn' || k === 'ln') r[k] = obj[k];
      if (k === 'size') r[k] = obj[k] + 'cm';
      if (k === 'weight') r[k] = obj[k] + 'kg';
   return r;
function myFunction(obj) {
  return {
    fn: obj.fn,
    ln: obj.ln,
    ...(obj.size && { size: `${obj.size}cm` }),
    ...(obj.weight && { weight: `${obj.weight}kg` }),

Add property to each object in array

// Write a function that takes an array of objects and a string as arguments
// Add a property with key ‘continent’ and value equal to the string to each of the objects
// Return the new array of objects
// Tipp: try not to mutate the original array

function myFunction(arr, str) {
  return => ({ ...obj, continent: str }));

Convert array to object with counter

// Write a function that takes an array of numbers as argument
// Convert the array to an object
// It should have a key for each unique value of the array
// The corresponding object value should be the number of times the key occurs within the array

三項演算子の部分は || の方がいいな。

function myFunction(a) {
   return a.reduce((sum, cur) => {
      return {...sum, [cur]: sum[cur] ? sum[cur] + 1 : 1};
   }, {});
function myFunction(a) {
   return a.reduce((acc, cur) => {
   	return { ...acc, [cur]: (acc[cur] || 0) + 1 };
   }, {});

